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Szarvas Panzi


Is not a secret desire that the reader of today's home tomorrow, guests must be: "Knowledge of Hungary, and acquainted with a good knowledge of their homeland." Not content with this list, but everywhere we try to convey the stunning beauty of the countryside, the old and new traditions, the "sweet home lege", which can not be Erdőbénye elapsed.

Introducing Erdőbénye attractions, sights, the memories of the zigzag roads, charming squares, romantic gaps, the old houses, small winding streams, up to a national awareness-raising endeavors too vonzáskörén the minds of your very eyes Tokaj character, surrounded by mountains, framed by a beautiful town in Hungary where the inhabitants Erdőbénye please "Welcome" köszönéssel accept you, ready to manage and monitor the interested guests.

I wish all our readers ideérkezőnek - while the beautiful landscapes of mountains and valleys roam belefeledkezik astonishment and admiration - a quick hit with pure mountain levegőnkkel include the historical, cultural values, the grape and wine prestigious past and present of the awakening, where the stone-mason trade and cooper the ancient past of tradition goldens activity.

I wish every reader a pleasant and good standing to raise it to this site read, condemning the arriving guests to the Bachus-the realm of time spent.

Erdőbénye for reaching the most attractive natural treasures, which wants to lure here and there to keep our guests. You are worthy of our place you want to help preserve, improve and develop to our culture.

The project is funded by the European Union,
Measure 1.2.1 of the ROP